Swimwear Briefs Never Go Out of Style

  Swimwear briefs are swimsuits that never seem to go out of style. That may be because this design can be worn by any man. Even the heavier men can wear these briefs and still look mostly ok. Nothing seems to take away the popularity of these briefs and that is actually a pretty good …

Swimwear Briefs for a More Modest Lifestyle

  I have found swimwear briefs to be the best thing ever created in my opinion. Sure people go on about their smartphones and how cars have some along in so many years, but the brief designs that are going out these days are far more interesting to me. I actually feel like I am …

The Benefits of Wearing Swimwear Briefs

  I have worn a lot of different swimwear in my life but there is something about the swimwear briefs that I have been wearing recently that really get my attention. Some swimwear is good for wearing to the beach and just getting a tan while others are good for actually going into the water. …

My Swimwear Briefs are Comfortable and Stress-Free

  Most of the swimwear briefs that I wear are pretty straight forward in design. I’m not the type of guy that is going to go out and buy something outrageous just for the shock value of wearing it in public and getting a reaction from people. I’m the type of guy that will buy …

Give Swimwear Briefs a Chance

  In my opinion, I think swimwear briefs are the way to go. I have tried all the other types of swimwear available on the market and, while some of them did feel comfortable and made me look good; my briefs are still my favorites. I think I am a more controlled and traditional type …

How Long to Wear Swimwear Briefs

  I have been wearing swimwear briefs for a while now and I think they are pretty amazing. I never really thought of brief designer swimwear as being something that I would be interested in but now that I have tried them on, I can see how they could become the next big thing. They …

A National Swimwear Briefs Day?

    I think the best fashion trend the world has ever seen is the swimwear briefs designs that I wear throughout the summer. I know this is just my opinion on the matter and there are a lot of other people out there that would probably argue with me but it is how I …

Swimwear Briefs

  I have been wearing the same basic swimwear briefs for the last few years and I am getting tired of them. It seems like everyone else on the beach has changed to some other kind of design and I am still stuck in the 80’s with the designs that I am wearing. So I …

Happiness in my Swimwear Briefs

    Swimwear briefs are probably one of the best designs ever for taking to the beach. I do not have to worry about showing off too much of my body and getting in trouble, but I can still feel sexy walking around in the sand. I love the fact that there are other guys …