Swimwear Briefs to Give Back Control of My Life


Whenever I choose to wear my swimwear briefs, I find that stressful things never really seem to bother me all that much. I think it has something to do with the comfort that I find in the way they are designed. Just as an example; the other day I was driving home from work, while wearing my briefs under my clothes, and had a flat tire. Now, normally I would have flipped out and panicked because I was on a busy highway and had no idea what I should be doing in order to not get hit by another car. But this time I simply pulled off and changed the tire out.

Things like that normally throw me into a tailspin that I can barely control but, while wearing my swimwear briefs; I find that there is nothing stressful about anything that happens to me. Since I have started noticing this strange side effect of wearing my briefs, I have decided to always be wearing them, no matter what. It may sound funny to you reading this, but I have found a level of confidence in my life that I never knew existed in the past and I quite like it.



I used to be the shy guy working in the back corner of the office and now I have gotten a promotion to a team leader and everyone loves me. I definitely owe this to my men’s swimwear briefs and the feeling of being in control. If it wasn’t for them, I would still be sitting in that corner hoping that no one was looking in my general direction. I cannot wait to see what other areas of my life start changing because I am wearing my briefs all the time. I might finally get into a relationship that will last longer than two weeks, which would be completely awesome in my book. Who knows? Once I pass that two week mark, I might even go for a full month!

The Old Standby mens’ Swimwear Briefs


One of the most tried and true mens swimsuits are swimwear briefs. These have been worn by men of all ages from the time that they were introduced into society. While they have changed over the years, they still carry the same high quality that they had when the first ones were worn on the beach. They are clearly very versatile in the types of fabric they are crafted from as well as the various colors and designs. No matter what sort of mood you happen to be in when you want to hit the beach for some fun in the sun and sea, there will always be a brief to meet your requirements.

Think back to the first time that you ever saw a pair of swimwear briefs. This might have been when you were a young boy, a teenager or even a fully grown adult man. It was most likely quite a treat to slip into those briefs and assess how you looked in them. As you turned this way and that way in front of the dressing room mirror, you probably loved the way they hugged your body. Probably, this was likely one of the first times that you realized just what a handsome figure you cut on the beach. Women and men both might have been trying to get your attention as well as your phone number while you were wearing these briefs.

Now think of the swimwear briefs that are available on the market today. These are not a lot different than those in the past. They have been tested and found to be one of the swimsuit types that have become a mainstay for all men. While there might be many men who will refuse to ever be seen in these swimsuits, you will find that there are still a lot of guys that immediately turn to when they need an emergency swimsuit. Those other guys are usually body builders or, at the very least, amazingly fit and toned men who like to wear tiny swimsuits such as thongs or micros. Some of them might decide to wear a brief once in a while and, if they do, they will probably be brought right back into the fold.


Brief with built in Ass Spark!


The Joys of Swimwear Briefs


I am so glad that swimwear briefs have been made so that I can go out to the beach and have some fun with everyone else. I hated the way those surfing short things fit, especially getting in and out of the water. What is up with that bubble thing that happens when you jump in the water for the first time? It always made me look like I had just farted as soon as my balls hit the water. No matter how good you look or how buff you are, everyone is going to point and laugh when they see that bubble forming in your crotch.

The swimwear briefs designs don’t do that sort of thing, though. They are tight fitting and never get that damned bubble thing going on. They also don’t have a tendency to slip off your hips, showing your ass in the process, when you are getting out of the pool. That was another thing about the traditional swimwear that I always hated when I was younger. I don’t have hips to speak of and I looked really funny the first time I ever wore suspenders with my swim trunks. Yes, I actually did that in order to keep them on at the public swimming pool.

Thankfully, I have bought enough men’s swimwear briefs over the last few months that I don’t ever have to worry about wearing trunks again. I can wear a different pair of briefs every weekend for the entire summer and be content that I won’t be wearing the same one twice. Its things like that which makes me happy to be living in this day and age. I know, everyone else is talking about their new smartphone or some dumb app they have, but I am happy for someone inventing a swimsuit that I can wear in peace and not worry about the awkward embarrassment that might happen getting in or out of the water.



Coming out in my Swimwear Briefs


When I first started wearing swimwear briefs to the beach I had no idea that I was going to be the talk of the town. I guess it helped that I live in a really small town and no one else was wearing anything like this except me. In fact, I believe I was the first person here to wear something other than standard shorts to the beach. The looks that people were giving me were quite amusing, too. Some people looked like they were about to have an aneurism while others looked like they were half way between appalled and excited.

Since then, I have seen other guys walking around in swimwear briefs on our little beach and they always look at me like they are saying thank you with their eyes. I guess these guys had wanted to wear something different to the beach but they were afraid to show off their bodies. Once I came out and made it known that men could wear something other than trunks or shorts, they were free to have some fun of their own. It only takes one guy to go out on a limb and show the world a different side of reality and others will more than likely follow.

This wild design includes a penis shaped sleeve so you can work out or wear this erotic suit to the beach.


If you are looking to get into wearing men’s swimwear briefs, now would be a great time. These things are starting to become quite normal on all the beaches around the world and no one would stare at you strangely if you decided to jump on the wagon with them. However, there are some brief designs that you might want to stay away from unless you are prepared to be that one guy out on a limb. You will be able to tell which ones those are by the design and how much body is being shown by a model wearing them in online pictures.

Staying Aroused Swimwear Briefs


Most of the swimwear briefs that I have come across out in public have been perfectly fine to wear in front of strangers. I would even wear some of them out to the beach if I had them. But the ones that I like to wear are the ones that people would be throwing a fit about seeing out on the beach. I like the ones that have a sexual connotation built into them that screams orgasm. If it isn’t something that I have to hide from the view of people in my own family, then I am just not turned on by them at all.

Most people think that I am crazy for wearing men’s swimwear briefs like this but they just don’t understand how hard they make my cock. Wearing things like this is better than watching porn, in my opinion. With porn, you are pretty much done before everything comes to a finish. But with my sexual briefs I am never quite finished and always looking for more while I have them on. It’s like having a never-ending bout of foreplay with someone that can really turn you on, which I am always up for.


I am always on the lookout for sexy swimwear briefs that I can wear around the house. I can’t really wear them under my clothes while I’m at work because everyone would notice the hardon that I am sure to keep. I tried once and my boss thought I had overdosed on Viagra or something and tried to make me go to the hospital. I explained it was because of the briefs that I had on and finally had to show him what I was talking about. I noticed about two days later he was walking around with a hardon and a smile. I think he liked what I was wearing but didn’t want to admit it to me.

Feeling Manly in Swimwear Briefs


A lot of people have heard about swimwear briefs and the wonderful designs that are available, but few of them have actually worn them. I am one of those guys that had heard about them and wasn’t all that impressed until I actually tried a pair on for myself. I always thought that wearing anything other than regular swimming trunks made you out to be less of a man somehow. Because of this, I had friends that kept trying to get me to try something different just to see what I would look like in them. I thought they, too, were less than manly at that time.

As it turns out, wearing men’s swimwear briefs is rather exciting and shows just how manly I really am. I mean this by the fact that it shows off just how big my cock is and, when people see that; they are always impressed. I wasn’t so sure about trying them on the first time but, once I got them on and looked in the mirror; I noticed that they did, indeed, fit nicely on my body. My friends were absolutely speechless, which is always a good thing when you consider how sarcastic these guys can be.


Now I wear my swimwear briefs all the time and I have no regrets about it in the least. My friends love the fact that we are all wearing basically the same thing when we go to the beach now, and the attention is absolutely amazing. I haven’t had so many women chasing me around on the beach in my entire life which makes me feel even manlier than ever. So if you are looking to wear something different but you are afraid of trying anything that makes you look girly or whatever, then try wearing some of these briefs and see what they can bring to your life.

Marching for Swimwear Briefs


When you start wearing men’s swimwear briefs out in public, you will have to arrive at the understanding that you are on display. There is no other way of thinking about it, either. You are showing off parts of your body that most people do their best to try and hide on a regular basis. The good news is that the male body is just as beautiful as the female body these days and there are going to be a lot of people that will welcome what you are wearing. Unfortunately, you will also have to take the people that don’t like what you are wearing with the people that appreciate your briefs.

Some people think that wearing swimwear briefs is something that should be kept in private and not allowed out in public. I think those people are fooling themselves if they think that would actually take hold on any beach that I have ever been. I have seen women walking around in much less fabric than what these briefs have to offer and no one says anything bad about that. On the other hand, put a guy in some tight briefs and everyone loses their shit over it and tries to get him banned for life.

I think it is about time that we all take our swimwear briefs out in public and force the world to change. People are getting upset over the dumbest things these days and now is the perfect time to use to show them that there is more to life. Let us awaken their curiosity and show them that they can wear something comfortable and sexy at the same time. I’m sure some of those people out there would be more than happy to join us in our march towards bringing humanity into the next incarnation of acceptance regardless of what everyone else might think.


My Swimwear Briefs Discovery


I just recently found out about these spandex swimwear briefs that everyone seems to be enjoying. I don’t really go to the beach all that much so it wasn’t something that I was keeping up on regularly. Now, however, it seems like I will be another one of those guys that is wearing spandex all the time. I love the way they look and the way they feel against my skin is just something phenomenal. I only have two different designs to go with right now, but I am sure that I will be buying more of them as the need arises.

I always thought that men’s spandex briefs would be uncomfortable because of the material they were made out of. I have worn spandex shorts in the past, and I wasn’t all that impressed with them. But I had a real close friend convince me that these briefs were nothing like the old spandex shorts that I had worn previously. So I went ahead and bought my first pair of briefs. Getting them on was easy enough but taking them off was a battle that I just did not want to do it. In fact, I actually had to force myself to take them off so that I could go to bed that night.

IMG_4016 Tiny micro men’s swimwear briefs Koala

I don’t know what it is about spandex swimwear briefs, but they are going to be the only swimwear that I ever wear for the rest of my life. I don’t care what new materials or designs are introduced from here on out, either. These briefs are going to be my mainstay as far as swimwear are concerned, and I would love to see anyone try to change my mind on that. There is nothing in this world that you could give me to make me go back to the swimwear that I used to wear unless it was more       brief designs made from spandex.

What Swimwear Briefs Mean to Me


I know a lot of people are wearing men’s swimwear briefs these days, but I don’t really like going out to the beach all that much. Don’t get me wrong. I love the beach and all, but I tend to burn rather badly when I spend too much time out in the sun. Even with sunscreen on I always end up burning so I don’t get to wear things like these briefs in public very often. But that doesn’t mean that I can’t wear them all the time anyway. I just wear mine in place of my boxer shorts under my pants.

I know that it sounds a bit creepy that I would wear spandex briefs as underwear, but hear me out before you judge me. The underwear that I am used to always seemed to fit oddly on me, but these briefs are almost perfect in every way. They don’t ride up and give me a wedgie which is extremely important to me. They are also constricting enough that it makes my, how should I say, package look good. I don’t have the largest of cocks in the world, but my briefs make it look like I have something to offer and that is a huge bonus for me.


Ever since I have started wearing my spandex briefs as underwear I have had both girls and guys interested in what I have under my pants. I find it extremely flattering to have someone walk up to me, look at my crotch, and smile when they ask for my number. They may not be too happy with what is in there after I take my briefs off, but at least I got to go out on a date. I have also found that I don’t sweat as much in that area anymore when I am wearing spandex. I think it has something to do with the material itself or the fact that I am not as stressed anymore. Either way, I am very happy with them.

Swimwear Briefs and Getting Healthy


Having noticed a fair share of swimwear briefs while on vacation, I decided that I wanted to give them a shot and see how they fit. So I took to the internet in my search for what I thought was going to be the impossible; the perfect fitting briefs. I spent hours over the next couple of weeks looking through every brief design that I could possibly find in the hopes that one of those designs would start screaming my name. Instead, I found myself embarrassed for what I might end up looking like while wearing these wondrous designs.


Sorry no real models today just me in tiny spandex briefs.

New styles 2013 009

Don’t get me wrong; I love the thought of wearing men’s swimwear briefs out in public, but I don’t necessarily have the body to be wearing most of the designs I came across. I want to wear them and wear them often, but I think the people around here would probably not appreciate the spectacle of me walking down the beach in them. These people can get a bit snooty from time to time since they all seem to have a lot of money so I suppose it is understandable. The only way I could see around this obstacle was to start working out.

It took me almost two years before I was able to stroll down the beach in my swimwear briefs, but I have accomplished what I set out to do. It took me joining a health and fitness club complete with a trainer before I was able to do it, but I am very happy with the results. My doctor seems to be happy with my decision as well since I have had my checkup and everything is in perfect order. I even lost about 45 pounds, which I needed to do regardless of what I was planning on wearing. I guess you could say that wearing these briefs ended up saving me a lot of health issues in the future.